[CUB Logo-]

The Computer Users of Baltimore (CUB) is a computer users group of IBM compatible personal computers users. Founded in 1984 as the Kaypro Users of Baltimore, the club has evolved into a group mainly interested in IBM compatible machines utilizing DOS, Windows, or the OS/2 operating systems. The group publishes a monthly newsletter, maintains a shareware library, hosts vendor presentations, and has a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that include FoxPro, Clipper, Accounting, and OS/2.

A number of our members can be found in various places around the net. Here are some of them.

[-Newspaper icon-]

The CUB newsletter is the Small Computer Users Interface (SCUI). It is available for downloading. The reader will need to have a copy of Adobe's Acrobat which is also available for downloading.

CUB meetings are held the 2nd Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 P.M. The meetings are held at 9200 Old Harford Road in Room 12 of the Pine Grove Middle School. We will be moving our meeting location in the fall, so check back for the new location!

[-Map icon-]
[-Pointer icon-] Click here for a map to the meetings

[-Earth icon-]
[-Pointer icon-] Click here for an international listing of user groups

[-CUB icon-]

[-Pointer icon-] Click here for CUB home page

Bear GIF [-Pointer icon-] Click here for the BEAR DEN if you were really surfing for the URSIDAE (bear) family.

Listing Update via
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Copyright © 1995 R. James Disharoon
Last updated June 08, 2008